

Below, find a sampling of my news writing, photography and infographics. Please feel free to contact me for more information at

And keep checking back as I continue to add more clips to the portfolio.

2023: MBTA Shows Recovery

The transit system's data shows riders are returning, slowly but surely...

2023: A Trip into the Future

Researchers study psychedelics as novel treatments for depression and addiction...

2005: Sarah's Second Chance

A 4-part series follows a 6-year-old though organ transplant...

2014 Central Ohio Mumps Outbreak

In early 2014, the highly infectious mumps virus reemerged in Ohio...

2005: Captive Memories

A 92-year-old Polish immigrant recalls his time and his days as a prisoner of war in a Nazi camp...

2013: Ohio Fights Stinkbugs

The stinkbug population was on the rise two decades after it was first found in Ohio...

2011: The Night Shift Project

“The Night Shift Project” was a short-lived freelance project in 2010...

2005: After Katrina

A Southeast Michigan township adopted a small Mississippi Gulf Coast town for long-term relief...

2023: Up In the Air

Nearly a half century ago, a juggler met a unicyclist and the rest is history...

2013: Young, with Breast Cancer

For breast cancer patients younger 40, the disease presents unique challenges...

2004-2005: Your Health for Kids

A health section geared toward 4th and 5th grade readers...